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All Your Favorite Dividend Stocks

+Over 12,000 stocks & ETFs in 12 countries

Reach Your Investing Goals

Do you want to grow your wealth in the safest way possible?
Perhaps you're looking for a new stream of passive income that can help you retire early?

Whichever your goal, you'll be faced with3 Problems...

Problem #1

"Where Do I Find the Best Stocks to Invest In?"

Being able to know where to find the right stocks can be very challenging. The internet is full of rubbish advice that will only put your hard-earned savings at risk...


Luckily, Dividend Compass provides you with curated, easy-to-use lists of stock ideas which are a great staring point.
In a matter of seconds, you'll have a shortlist of stocks that that you know aren't just random picks by people on the internet!


Problem #2

"How can I tell which stocks are good and which ones I should avoid?"

Stocks of high-quality companies perform miles better than other stocks. The problem is that knowing what makes a great company can be very challenging.


Dividend Compass uses its own stock grades to tell you what you need to know. In a matter of seconds, you'll know whether to keep researching or discard the stock.

Looks Good
Best avoided...

Problem #3

"How Can I Stay on Top of My Investments?"

The stock market moves fast. Things change at breakneck speeds and, as a normal person, it's impossible to keep on top of all your stocks.


Dividend Compass gives you access to the best portfolio tracker on the internet.
Gain full control of your portfolio and track every single dividend payment with our dividend calendar.

Our Data Providers

IEX Cloud

Made with ❤️ in Barcelona

© 2024 Dividend Compass